Showing: 3 RESULTS
Studio Blog

Do It For You

Every person that tries a class at Phoenix Flight Studio has a reason they did it. Maybe they’re bored with the gym. Or they’re trying to get in shape. Or they want to be sexy for their partner. The one that always sticks out to me is the one where a woman indicates she wants to learn to be sexy for her spouse. That makes me feel all the feels. …

Sessions Studio Blog

What’s a Pole Class Really Like? Part 2 – Preparing for Class

And just like that, you have signed up for your first pole class. Oh the anticipation! Oh the fear! Will I be able to do anything?  Will I feel out of place? What if someone finds out I’m taking pole classes???? Yes, these are all very common thoughts that go through our head before we get to our first class.  Pole Newbie Fear is real and can get in the …